Wolf & Cub @ Shores Ona New Years Day, January ’09

The first time I saw Wolf & Cub they really interested me. Maybe it was the two drummers thing or maybe it was the groove they found and how they were able to lock into it so effortlessly. Maybe it was because they were opening for The Vines and there was a certain something in the air?

This time around however, I thought the opposite. The two drummers did nothing but confuse the audience, the grooves they “locked” into were long, boring and stupidly loud. When the second drummer got a sax out I thought things may take a change for the better; not so: the sax was so de-tuned and so loud it may as well have been another guitar?

Hardly the kind of chilled out music suitable for new years day hangovers…

The crowd dissolved into only a handful by the end, and I left thinking how are these guys the best export South Australia currently has?