Bliss N Eso @ The Thebby, August ’10

An email from the promoter for a recent show by Bliss N Eso @ the Thebby contained an additional section after the standard “3 songs from the pit, no flash” part:
“After the third song, Benon is free to shoot from anywhere outside the pit for the rest of the show (without flash)“
Finally!! A someone that recognises the value in allowing photography after the third song!
I’ve argued this point many, many times in the past and have never come across a decent reason the 3 songs rule exists in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand the no flash part, but the 3 songs only part? No idea.
The rule should be:
3 songs from the pit, no flash, then shoot from anywhere in the venue until you have the shots you need.
Why? Simply because there are certain shots you cannot physically obtain from within the pit!
Why is this important?
Because as photographers we are there to document the show. This includes the punters in attendance.
A long shot showing hundreds of fans with arms outstretched in the air and the band on stage in the distance says one thing loud and clear: the gig was packed. This is invaluable promotion for not only the band, but also the promoter and the venue.
The last few shots in this series simply wouldn’t be possible without a photo policy like this.
And what message are these shots delivering: that the gig was a complete success.