Frenzal Rhomb @ Adelaide Uni Bar, August ’10

I opted to B/W convert these as Frenzal Rhomb have that edgy, grainy feel to their live shows.
I grew up watching these guys playing shitty venues in and around Sydney and (like the rest of my circle of friends) was baffled to see how popular they became. In the day they seemed to be purposely playing simple, easy punk songs with no real creativity, yet the fans loved it.
Fast forward 15 years or so and they are still doing the same thing and the punters are loving it even more!
The show was pretty damn impressive with lots of onstage banter and fast paced songs full of their back catalogue and general sweaty mayhem. I’m sure all their fans copped a good solid punch in the face.
Me? I left appreciative, yet still confused as to how this got as popular as it did.