Funkoars @ Elizapalooza, October ’09

The two previous times I have shot the Funkoars I’ve also lined up a publicity shot that I feel best represents what the oars are about.
Those two shots: backstage at live at the zoo with alcohol tickets and guns to their heads (check it over here) and crammed into the shower backstage at the Gov (scope that one here) have set the bar in my head for any future shots of the guys.
At Elizapalooza ’09, I had an idea to use a photocopier with the guys all crammed over it and the bright light shooting out of it somehow symbolising something overtly sexual, but I couldn’t get the copier to function with the lid open, so there went that idea.
Opening some closed doors, I found a bookcase containing pamphlets relating to parental guidance for teens on all manner of topics including (most importantly) sexual matters. If I could pull the bookcase forward, shove the guys heads in from behind and add some alcohol to the mix we may just have a shot…
The guys were stoked with the idea and after a quick set up and positioning of the props we were shooting. 5 shots later and we had the keeper.