Funkoars @ The Thebby, November ’11

I was hideously jetlagged while shooting this Funkoars show – I’d only just got off the plane ride from hell from Zurich earlier in the day and was coming down with a cold.
Regardless, the show was amazing to shoot! Lighting was up there with the best I’ve seen at the Thebby and the Oars giving me AAA to shoot from anywhere opened up a lot more options.
There were actually a bunch of photogs all with AAA passes, which might seem like a good thing (certainly for the photogs!) however from my experiences in Europe on the road the last two months having that amount of extra people on stage throughout an entire show can sometimes be negatively distracting for the punters. A single photog assigned AAA keeping in the shadows where possible is less distracting and should result in a good selection of photos.
I chose to shoot from the pit for the majority of this show to avoid adding myself to the list, only heading onto the stage in between songs when the lights were down and staying down.