Poetikool Justice @ The Gov, October ’10

A brilliant show at the Gov tonight heralded the return to the live circuit for Poetikool Justice.
New bass player Ed Soang seamlessly filled the large shoes left by Adam Blesing’s recent departure and the overall feeling from the boys as a collective was that a damn good time was to be had by all!
It’s beautiful to have full stage access and to shoot for the entire show. And having seen a few Poetikool shows, I was ready and aware of what may be coming my way.
My aim with this set was to showcase Ed up on stage with the band and the audience in the background, to illustrate his joining and the overall acceptance from the rest of the band.
Stage lighting was spot on. The boys have their own lighting guy and it really makes a huge difference!! Having the full access I did and thus being able to get as close to the guys as I liked, I chose to shoot these with flash to fill subject and a slowish shutter to then allow all that beautiful background light in.