The Screaming Jets @ The Gov, January ’09

I was a tad apprehensive about this gig, The Screaming Jets never really took my fancy back in their hey day and i had not heard a single thing that they have recorded since “Better” (and the rest from that album “All For One” back in ’91).
During my high school days, this band was all the rage, their rock ballads hitting a niche market nicely between the chart listening public and the “alternative crowd”. I was asked to shoot the gig at the last minute, so I thought what the hey, could be good for a blast from the past.
The show actually rocked pretty hard, the band seemed like they were on a mission to shake things up. This was their first gig for the year and it looks like this could well be their year! Silly facials and stage antics from front man Dave Gleeson made for a great spectacle, and their new (to me anyway) tracks were hard, heavy and punchy, and I left pretty happy to have seen a band i had thought long since dead.