The Thieves @ The Cranka, April ’11

My lenses completely fogged over every 30 seconds when shooting this gig.
Outside it was a cool 8 degrees, but inside the back room at the Cranka it was a seething, sweaty den packed to capacity on public holiday eve.
The Thieves, complete with a fill in drummer (can you spot him behind the kit?) stepped it up a notch for the masses and despite having to constantly wipe my lenses clean I managed to get these shots.
Three speedlites used here folks: 1 on camera set to 1/2, 1 beside the drummer on a light stand set to 1/16 and another set to 1/8 just out of sight on a lightstand wedged behind the speaker stack stage left.
All triggered by Pocketwizard MiniTT1/FlextTT5 combo.