Wolfmother @ Clipsal 500, March ’09

I’ve not seen Wolfmother before, and cannot justifiably compare this new line-up to the old, however I have heard their album plenty of times.
I often I find their blatantly derived sound to be almost too cliche, too obvious and too simple. Having said that, their live set tonight to close the 2009 Clipsal 500 was full of energy and enjoyment. It would appear the message Wolfmother were seeking to convey was that they like to rock and if you would like to watch, they will rock it for you.
On another note, I found myself scratching my head before the show as countless times across the PA came the message: “Wolfmother at Clipsal 500 09 – proudly brought to you by Mix 102.3 FM“. There must be some SERIOUS $$$ involved in that deal as I pretty sure Wolfmother are not even played on the station!!??